Students listening to a professor in an outdoor classroom with white board behind the professor

奖学金 & 奖学金


There are three types of scholarships — merit, premier, and special interests. 他们都以不同的方式提供经济支持, and each has its own application process and award requirements.

奖学金 总理奖学金 Special Interests

按主题划分的特别兴趣 .................................................................

服务 Language 多样性
Music Theatre 视觉艺术


Although you don’t need a scholarship nomination to apply for scholarships, 招生办公室欢迎提名,以帮助我们确定并了解更多关于您作为潜在候选人的信息. 学校辅导员, 核心课程的老师, 社区组织联络, 雇主, or independent college counselors are welcome to speak on your behalf. 优先提名截止日期为12月15日,但我们接受到1月15日的提名.


提交提名 向bwin体育申请

Group of students meeting with professor outside science building


我们根据对您的证书和贡献的全面审查授予优秀奖学金. Approximately half of our annual applicant pool receives this type of scholarship. 可根据平均绩点更新.

Consideration for merit scholarship is automatic upon completion of the Common App.

奖学金 可再生的绩点
学院奖学金 $30,000 2.8
上校奖学金 $28,000 2.5
创始人奖学金 $26,000 2.25
bwin体育奖 $22,000 2.0
校友奖 $15,000 2.0

Student studying at outside library in front of Lincoln statute


bwin体育最具竞争力的奖学金项目每个项目每年招收10名新生. We welcome nominations for our premier scholarship programs, 虽然提名不需要考虑. These are renewable based on 平均绩点 and program participation.

单独的 applications are due by December 1 after submission of the Common App.





Centre will award over $41 million in scholarships and grants this year



Centre will award $50 million in new scholarships in the next ten years.





这些奖学金旨在表彰有特殊兴趣的学生,这些学生有潜力为某些项目或校园生活领域做出贡献. Each scholarship has its own unique application for consideration.

单独的 applications are due by January 15th after submission of the Common App.



应用程序 可再生
3万美元以上优先考虑经济援助 是的 是的

由邦纳基金会创立, 邦纳项目是一个基于需求的项目,专为那些热衷于通过社区服务和公民参与产生持久影响的学生设计. bwin体育的邦纳计划包括邦纳bwin体育,他们表现出对社区服务的承诺,并通过期望家庭贡献(EFC)不超过12美元来证明高经济需求,000 and Bonner Leaders who prioritize service and qualify for Federal Work-Study. Domestic students are eligible for these opportunities. 不需要美国国籍. 持学生签证在bwin体育学习的国际学生不符合此计划的资格. The deadline for submitting the Bonner Candidate Form is January 15th.

了解更多关于邦纳计划更多 项目候选人来自


应用程序 可再生
最高5,000美元 是的 是的,可堆叠

The Language奖学金 recognizes students with a strong background of study in Arabic, 法国, 德国, 希腊, 拉丁, 普通话, or Spanish who wish to continue their study of language and culture at Centre. 不需要主修或辅修一门Language. 学生可以通过提交额外的申请申请一种以上的目标Language的Language奖学金. However, students are eligible for only one scholarship in one target language. Students may apply for a Language奖学金 in their native language. 国际和国内学生均可参加 for this opportunity.


新视野计划: 多样性、股票、 and 包容

应用程序 可再生
$30,000 是的 是的

新视野项目是一个奖学金机会,旨在培养对多样性充满热情的学生领袖, 股本, 包容工作. 该项目旨在为不同群体的学生提供培养领导技能的机会, 专业发展技能, 沟通技巧, 同理心, 社区, 以及对服务学习的赞赏. 国内学生有资格获得这个机会. 不需要美国国籍. 持学生签证在bwin体育学习的国际学生不符合申请该项目的资格.

了解更多关于新视野计划的信息 项目候选人表格 


应用程序 可再生
最高5,000美元 是的 是的,可堆叠

表演艺术奖学金旨在表彰Music家, 歌手, 演员, 在Music和/或戏剧艺术方面有经验并致力于进一步个人发展的戏剧技术人员. 国际和国内学生均可参加, and majoring or minoring in performing arts is not required. 学生可以通过提交额外的申请申请多个领域的表演艺术奖学金. However, students are eligible for only one Performing Arts 奖学金 in one concentration. These may be combined with other merit scholarships (excluding premier).



  • 学生必须每学期注册并在适当的合奏中获得及格分数(不在国外时)。. Ensemble participation will be determined each semester in consultation with, 并得到…的同意, your scholarship advisor (one of the four full-time faculty professors).
  • 学生每学期必须注册应用课程或Music课(或两者兼而有之),分级Music课成绩不低于C(非国外)。. 
  • Students must enroll and receive a grade of at least C in MUS 116 and one of MUS 120, 220亩, 或在大三期间或之前完成MUS 232.
  • 演奏两段风格对比的曲子. 最大总时间为12分钟.
  • Provide scores and/or recordings of two representative original works.
  • Perform two or three songs in contrasting styles from two different genres. 流派的例子包括民歌, 艺术歌曲, 来自崇拜的Music, Music剧, 国家, 流行, 等. 最大总时间为12分钟

*You may bring your own accompanist, but it’s completely acceptable to audition without one. 如果你需要学校提供的话, 请至少在两周前提供您的Music副本以及伴奏要求.


应用程序 可再生
最高5,000美元 是的 是的,可堆叠

表演艺术奖学金旨在表彰Music家, 歌手, 演员, 在Music和/或戏剧艺术方面有经验并致力于进一步个人发展的戏剧技术人员. 国际和国内学生均可参加, and majoring or minoring in performing arts is not required. 学生可以通过提交额外的申请申请多个领域的表演艺术奖学金. However, students are eligible for only one Performing Arts 奖学金 in one concentration. These may be combined with other merit scholarships (excluding premier).



  • Students must enroll in three theatre classes: Acting 1 (THR 117); one of Intro to Tech Theatre OR Intro to Design (THR 150 or 160); one of Foundations of Drama & 戏剧1,戏剧基础 & 戏剧2,或理论 & 批评(THR 133、134或230).
  • Students should also plan on making a significant contribution to the life of the theatre program, 比如上课, 参与制作, 在商店工作, 或者只是来帮我们制作戏剧!


应用程序 可再生
最高5,000美元 是的 是的,可堆叠

工作室艺术奖学金旨在表彰在视觉艺术方面表现出卓越成就的学生,并致力于在工作室艺术和艺术史方面进行大学水平的学习. Visual arts scholarship applicants are able to present works from any artistic medium, 包括(但不限于)绘画, 绘画, 多媒体图像, 雕塑, 陶瓷, 玻璃, 摄影, 和电影. 主修或辅修视觉艺术不需要. 国际和国内学生均可参加 for this opportunity.


奥斯汀E. 诺尔顿纪念奖学金:数学 & STEM领域(俄亥俄州居民)

应用程序 可再生的绩点
$5,000 No 良好的信誉,没有平均绩点要求

bwin体育学院很高兴提供奥斯汀E. 诺尔顿纪念奖学金. 该奖项是为来自俄亥俄州的对数学或主修STEM领域感兴趣的学生指定的优秀奖学金.

奥斯汀E. 诺尔顿基金会由奥斯汀“荷兰”诺尔顿(1909- 2003)于1981年创建,旨在促进和推进美国的高等教育,并为合格的学院和大学提供直接赠款和捐款.” Mr. 诺尔顿在贝尔方丹长大, 在洛根县, 俄亥俄州, 并在俄亥俄州立大学学习建筑. He then joined and later led the Knowlton construction company, 哪一个 completed more than 600 major construction projects including school buildings, 医院, 以及俄亥俄州和中西部的图书馆. Mr. 诺尔顿是辛辛那提红人队的少数股东,也是辛辛那提孟加拉虎队的联合创始人.



You may already be eligible for scholarships based on additional external f演员. Browse our 奖学金担保 below to see if any apply to you.




bwin体育研究员奖学金每年最低26,000美元,为期四年 3.5(最低)


完成肯塔基州州长bwin体育计划的学生将获得价值120美元的自动GSP奖学金,000 ($30,000 annually for each of your four years of study) upon admission to Centre. The GSP 奖学金 cannot be stacked on top of other general merit scholarships, 但我们鼓励bwin体育们探索我们的主要和特殊奖学金选择,以获得更专业的奖学金. These separate scholarship deadlines range from November 15 to January 15.

肯塔基州州长艺术学院毕业的学生将获得最低26美元的优秀奖学金,入读bwin体育后,每年须缴付$ 5,000. 

肯塔基州州长企业家学校的学生将获得最低26美元的优秀奖学金,入读bwin体育后,每年须缴付$ 5,000. 

bwin体育研究员计划旨在表彰那些将从文科教育中受益的优秀和敬业的高中三年级学生. 接受者没有任何承诺, and students are eligible to compete for higher awards. 国内学生有资格获得这个机会. 不需要美国国籍. Candidates must be nominated by their high school counselor, and all nominations must be approved by the Centre College 入学 Office.

福利包括保证每年26,000美元的最低奖学金,为期四年. Centre Fellows may be considered for higher scholarships, 哪一个, 如果收到了, 将取代bwin体育研究员保证.

Successful Candidates Should Exhibit the Following Credentials
  • 平均绩点不低于3分.5 
  • A challenging course load comprising some of the highest courses available at the school
  • A sincere interest in a liberal arts and sciences education
  • 关心他们的高中和/或当地社区,表现为各种个人承诺

For more information, contact Assistant Director of 入学, 亚伦Guerrier


遗产奖奖金为3美元,获录取的学生如为bwin体育校友的子女或孙辈,每年可获颁奖金5,000元. 待考虑, 申请入读本bwin体育的学生应在申请材料上注明其父母及/或祖父母曾就读本bwin体育.